Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Great Uncle Morty

By the time Hazel had called the police, it was too late. Her and Luke’s parents were gone. A social worker arrived hours later, informing them that they would be taken to their great uncle Morty, their only living relative. 
Hazel and Luke’s family weren’t huggers, which is why the engulfing hug ‘Morty’ gave them when they arrived took them by surprise. Morty, after finally letting go of the kids, gave them a tour of the house. He lived alone, but he had once shared his gargantuan house with his wife.  He showed them their rooms and brought them upstairs to the attic. It was filled with all sorts of treasures, Morty told the kids. They rolled their eyes but played along for the sake of the old man. 
Morty sat down on a dusty bench and pulled a box marked ‘Family Stuff’ closer to him. He opened the box and pulled out a scrapbook. He handed it to Luke, along with a .22 caliber pistol that Morty promised Luke he would teach him to use one day. He searched in the box for something else and came up with a necklace, which he in turn handed to Hazel. She stared at it, and he motioned for her to put it on. She did. Morty then told Luke to open the text book sized scrapbook. He started telling us fascinating stories about his life. 
Before Hazel and Luke knew it, hours had passed. He was almost finished with a story about an African safari trip he took with his wife when he looked at his watch. “7:30!”  He exclaimed. “We should be having dinner know!”
“Please, just finish the story!” Luke whined. 
“Ok, if you insist.” Morty said. There was a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his face.
The family sat down for dinner at 7:53. Hazel and Luke waited facing each other at the dining room table as Morty prepared pasta and meatballs, the kid’s favorite meal.
“Please tell us another story! they are just so interesting! ” Hazel exclaimed as Morty was sitting down to eat. 
“Another story for another day.” Morty replied, “If I tell you all my stories today, then we won’t have anything to talk about tomorrow!”
The kids, disappointed, ate the rest of their dinner in silence. 
After dinner, the kids did what they wanted until bed. They were both talking in Luke’s bedroom when Morty knocked on the door. Luke told him to come in.  Morty sat next to them on Luke’s bed. 
“I just wanted to tell you guys, that I know I don’t seem like anything special, but I’m very glad your here with me. You see, I have been very lonely for quite some time, and even though you guys haven’t even been here all that long, you have seemed to brighten my spirits. And I just want to thank you guys for that, and I hope that in return, I will brighten yours.”
Hazel and Luke didn’t know how to respond. They sat there for a few moments as Morty got up to leave. As he was opening the door, Hazel called out to him. Morty turned around to find both Luke and Hazel hugging him. Morty’s smile couldn’t have been any bigger. 
You see, Though Morty gave Hazel and Luke what they needed, a home, Hazel and Luke gave Morty something much more important. A family. 

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